Registration & Payment

The financial information is sent directly to the authors. The submission & accommodation information is written in the acceptance letters.

Participation in person for 2nd author or for person w/o paper will cost 70 EUR. For participants from outside EU the participation should be only in the virtual form.

For family members who will not attend IEEE IS’24 sessions the participation in person is free.

Accommodation news as of July-August, 2024

If any potential guest of the conference venue, hotel Cherno More****
writes to them that he is a participant in IEEE IS’24, he should
receive a discount price.

On the other hand, if/when a group of 10+ potential hotel guests will
appear, we can negotiate for a more significant discount.

For pity, until mid-July no such group existed. Maybe this is because
of a large variety of cheaper hotels and guest rooms around. Dear
potential guests of the hotel, please write your intention to the
conference chair Prof. Jotsov.